Ever felt that your hairstyle isn’t supporting you when it matters the most? Try Mid Fade Haircut. Neither to the top nor along the ears, Its that sweet spot in between balancing your entire appearance. Let’s know about Fade at first. Fade is the hair form in which we keep our bottom part of head fine mostly with hair trimmers. We have a great variety under Fade from which we can choose from any day. Some of these most adored style forms are taper fade, bald fade, and skin fade haircut.
Similarly, according to a science of extension of short hairs, we have a high fade, low fade, and Mid fade. Also, we have a ton of variations and modifications which we can apply to enhance our style and personality. We can use different hair colors and hairdos with fade. A Mid fade especially gives us s freedom to mix both high and low fade along and use different versions of them too. Most importantly these beauties by the name of medium fade will give you that personality raise which you wanted instantly. A medium fade is an evergreen haircut. You can combine it with different skin tones and clothing, and our result will always be perfect.
Let’s know a little more about Medium fade hairstyle now.
Classic Mid Fade
We have a classic medium fade haircut here. We can have our hairdressers make do these and walk out in the street with extra confidence. Similarly, Fade is a famous hairdo, and there is no way that your barber won’t know about these. So, keep it cool and walk like a conqueror with a medium fade in your head.
Fade In A Wavy Hair
Not curly neither is straight, these wavy hairs show us a perfect demonstration of a good hair nature. Either your hair naturally wavy or you made them, In any case, there are tons of hairstyles outside the door waiting for you. But among all these a fade will undoubtedly stand out. A wavy hair and fade is that combination which you will never regret. Here, we have a model wearing a medium fade with long wavy hair and a beautiful ear tops.
Fade And Top Comb-over
A comb-over is still a widely accepted way of grooming gents hair. These are simple, and you will get an instant good personality through brushing. Here, we have our model wearing a fade with his top foremost part comb-over. His short, thick beard is pairing up perfectly with his haircut here.
Top Long Fade
Some hairstyles trending in our time here don’t pair up well with large and long hair. Well, that is not the problem in case of a mid fade as it gives compatibility to mix up with any hair nature. We can have a bun or braids or even dreads in our top; these medium fades give their perfect balance to the volume of the hair. Moreover, It’s a combination through which you can jump to any other hairstyle if you’re not getting satisfaction here. Above, a model is wearing a long hair and pairs that with fade below. A lining to side gave him a finished and polished look.
Long Fade And Thick Beard
When someone talks about their hair, one next term coming together is their beard. We can have a perfect haircut, but it could still not match our attire and looks if it doesn’t pair up with your beard. Some people out there like to keep their beard long and thick while others might adore clean-shaven ones. We can have a ton of combinations to choose from while we are discussing hair and beards. Similarly, a fade gives you a perfect platform to use any beard form as you please. Here, we have a long, thick beard going well with fade as well as our models face tone.
Fade And Curls
It’s no secret that a curly hair requires more attention and techniques to style and dress. They are also one of our best hair selection when it comes to selecting favorites. Fade will give a perfect balance to the overall volume of hair if we combine it with long curls. Similarly, we can also have different add-ons as modifications to enhance our looks. Here, we have a medium mid-bald fade with a sparse kept beard.
Top Highlighted Fade Undercut
We can have a full highlight, or we can select certain strands and color it. Here, we have a top decorated with a golden highlight. Similarly, while highlighting, it’s essential to match up with the eye color or with the beards. Also, we can match hair highlights with skin tones. We can also add piercings and different ear ornaments to get along with mid fade undercut haircuts.
Mid Fade Comb-Over
Who doesn’t remember a comb-over hairstyle from their childhood? You can always organize your hair more efficiently and effectively than many other technical haircuts. Take a brush and comb over to the side you love best. We can either have a rear or a lateral type of comb-over. Ironically, we can also add both of these techniques as we see above. A fade becomes a perfect base for a comb-over in our top.
Short Top Fade
Some hairstyles trending in our time here don’t pair up well with large and long hair. Well, that is not the problem in case of a mid fade as it gives compatibility to mix up with any hair nature. Here, we have a dashing and straightforward Short medium fade pairing up well with the skin tone of a model. A short fade goes well with a clean-shaven face too.
Flat Top Bald Fade
Flat top hairstyles mainly come with a fade in the bottom of a head as it gives a finishing look to our hairstyle. Flat tops are ideal hair forms for those people having a round shape of a face. We can have fade to control the volume of hair and improve the neatness of this style. Along with that, we can also have a beard or clean-shaven face above. Here, we have mid fade haircut black hair with curly flat tops.
Fore Comb Over
You can always organize your hair more efficiently and effectively than many other technical haircuts using comb-over. Take a brush and comb over to the side you love best. Here we have a Comb over to clear person’s forehead. We comb our hair in a top and lean them towards one’s rear. This hairstyle also looks good with a clean-shaven face.
Faux With Fade
In faux hairstyle, we take strands from a side part of a head and organize them towards each other and hence make them look like an ax. These hairdos are beneficial for people with a circular face as it gives elongation to it. Similarly, we can have different hair colors and highlights in the faux portion. A fade and faux matches and get along correctly every time regardless of their modifications. Above we had a plain and straightforward faux with mid skin fade haircut. Mid skin fade is complimented by a clean-shaven face here.
Wavy Top With Thick Beard
Here we have a medium wavy hairdo with use of hair oils in a natural hair. It’s crucial to keep your hair healthy to prevent hair damages. We must provide hair nourishments through hair oils and creams. Similarly, we can keep the hair neat and clean to prevent dandruff. Here we have a medium wavy hair with hair oils and with them is a thick beard and mustache.
Medium Fade Undercut
An undercut is another most chosen hairdo among people of modern generations. So, what is an undercut? It’s a hairdo famous to teens of this time where we separate a Long top with short bottom using small hairs. This hairstyle also gives us a freedom to choose different other beard styles. Above, we have a model wearing medium fade and a cleanly trimmed beard.
Fade And Piercings
Piercings always give you a bold look that you urge to get. Also, piercings give us that funky cool look that goes with a different form of clothing. Here we have models with nose and ear piercings. Similarly, we have paired their piercings with mid fade taper which goes well along with each other.
Mid Skin Fade With Thick Beard
Whenever strands are looking short or less, then we can add them using beards. It’s better balanced than leaving them unorganized. Similarly one has an advantage of using neck tattoos when it comes to bald fade.
Curly Mohawk
Mohawk is a kind of a hawk haircut. In this haircut, we cut the side part of head completely marking a hawk shape middle part. A hawk shape means that our thick hair is long at top and contracts at the breadth. Mohawk is famous with our teens and adults as it gives us a ton of variations and choices in modifications to have a best possible haircut for you. We can either have a Normal looking side or a fade in Mohawk. Here, we have a model wearing a large hawk of yellow color and curly hair nature. Adding to the mid fade mohawk, we have a set of linings in our side part to compliment these hairstyles.
Comb Over With Long Beard
YYou can always organize your hair more efficiently and effectively than many other technical haircuts. Take a brush and comb over to the side you love best. We can either have a rear or a lateral type of comb-over. Here, we have a rear appointed comb-over hairdo. These beauties make you look more organized and confident. Besides that, we have a long beard to compliment mid fade comb-over and make you look sexy.
Short Curly Top
Here we have a mid taper fade getting along with a short curly hair. Along with that, the model has a clean-shaven face to add to his personality. A medium taper fade, unlike bald or skin taper fade, gives freedom to have a lining to a side of fade. It’s no secret that a curly hair requires more attention and techniques to style and dress. They are also one of our best hair selection when it comes to selecting favorites. Fade will give a perfect balance to the overall volume of hair if we combine it with long curls.
Top Faux Medium Fade
In Faux hairdo, we have a pointed Mid and a regular peripheral part. A faux makes your face look long and adding them to fade we get a finished and complete haircut. Similarly, we can add different variations of hair color in the faux part of these hairstyles.
Thick Top With Medium Fade
People either have thick hair or rather thin ones. Many people adore thick ones as it looks more healthy while some want to keep them small by putting on thin hairs. It doesn’t matter for medium fade as it goes along well with both of these hair nature. Above, we have a model with thick top strands and a mid fade in the bottom.
Fade And Shades And Glasses
One undenied query for people with spectacles is that, would their haircut be same that of no-glasses people. Well, I assure you of that in case of a medium fade. Either you have a classy reading glasses, or with funky shades, a fade is for you all. Similarly, we can have different piercings and neck tattoos to complement fade and specs.
Comb Over Mid Fade With Brown Hair And Beard
We can have natural colored hair, or we can add colorings later on them. In either case, we have to match our different facial elements as piercings and beards matching to that hair nature. One simple way to match is using a comb-over hairdo as shown in the figure. We can have this evergreen style to enhance our style and personality. Also, these haircuts give us the freedom to experiment with different add-ons with our style.
Fade With Tattoos
Tattoos tell us the stories unsaid by one’s mouth. It’s a way of expressing oneself without vocational support. These beauties hardly go unnoticed and have immense ability to make you look appealing. Similarly, Tattoos can act as a finishing touch to our haircut. Mostly tattoos in a person’s neck and face have a direct relation in making a mid fade better.
Total Comb-over Mid Bald Fade
Easy might just be a word to define mid fade Comb Over haircut. You can always organize your hair more efficiently and effectively than many other technical hairstyles. Take a brush and comb over to the side you love best. We can either have a rear or a lateral type of comb-over. Here, we have a rear appointed comb-over hairdo. These beauties make you look more organized and confident. Here, we have a different combination of comb-over fade with skin tones and hair nature.
Mid Fade For Kids

Make your kid look smarter and more stylish by giving him this mid-fade. Your kid might have any nature of hair or interests a good medium fade will get along with almost all of them. Similarly, you can have a bunch of proper modifications as using hair oils and all for further enhancing it. Here, we have three kids wearing a medium fade with three different variations. The first one has a classic long fade; our second one has a let down short fade while our last one has a curly medium bald fade.
Top Rough Taper Fade
We can have an arranged hair or as some people prefer rough ones. A coarse hair in a sense makes a carefree and open personality of oneself. Similarly, it’s time-saving and also stylish with piercings and other add-ons. Here we have a medium rough top hair with a sparse trimmed beard.
Bald Medium Fade
Top pointed Mid Bald Fade.
A top pointed hair looks naturally good in all combinations and heads of users. We can say that a pointed top is a modified version of a faux hairdo. Our only difference here is hairs not conversing along the middle of our head. Here, we have a model with a top pointed hair with a finely trimmed beard.
Long Side Combed Fade

Among comb over hairdos, we can have a variety of hair length to apply it. It doesn’t matter as a comb-over is a very compatible haircut. We have a long beautiful comb over fade n our first model. Similarly, we also have a top comb-over, a diverse comb-over, and rough comb-over haircuts in given successive pictures.
Full Faux Fade with Latino Beard
A latino beard came from Latin America and the continents of South America. We have three parts in a latino beard a chin beard, lower lips beard and a side beard along with mustache. It surely gives you a more relaxed look. A faux makes your face look long and adding them to fade we get a finished and complete haircut. Similarly, we can add different variations of hair color in the faux part of these hairstyles.
Mid Low Fade Curly
Among medium fade, we have two types, unlike high or low fade hairstyles. We can directly call them low mid fade and Mid High fade according to their position in the head. Fade will give a perfect balance to the overall volume of hair if we combine it with long curls. Similarly, we can also have different add-ons as modifications to enhance our looks. Here, we have different varieties of fades including a mid-bald fade with a sparse kept beard.
Fade With Long Spiral Top
When we talk about innovative modifications fade lies in the very top of a stack. Here we have a long spiral top which looks similar to a big bun of hair. Similarly, we have a long thick beard to compliment this style here.
Fade And Hair Creams
Hair oils and hair creams provide that nutrients and nourishment necessary for our hair. These components are critical when it comes to controlling or preventing hair damage. Talking about hair damage, we must know that a Long hair requires more care than shorter ones. Here, we have models having long hairs and hair oils in it for better care of their hair. So play safe and give the necessary nutrients to your hair.
Short Top Medium Fade
Some hairstyles trending in our time here don’t pair up well with large and long hair. Here, we have a dashing and straightforward Short medium fade pairing up well with the skin tone of a model. A short fade goes well with a clean-shaven face too.
Innovative Pointed And Combed Fades
You can always organize your hair more efficiently and effectively than many other technical haircuts using comb-over. Take a brush and comb over to the side you love best. We comb our hair in a top and lean them towards one’s rear. In faux hairstyle, we take strands from a side part of a head and organize them towards each other and hence make them look like an ax. These hairstyles also look good with a clean-shaven face.
Top Raised Hairdo
Top raised hairdo makes your height look better and so enhances your personality too. It doesn’t matter if your hair is long or short you can lift it and improve your looks. Here, we have different nature and types of hair tops.
Trending Hairstyles Involving Mid Fade
The Common Variations In Medium Fade
So, we have known so far about medium fade hairstyles, and finally, we can say with confidence that this haircut is the one which you should try once in a while at least to enhance your personality and develop your style and prowess in those places that matter us most. So comparing high fade vs. mid fade vs low fade, we can see a distinctive advantage of compatibility and easiness here in medium fade hairstyle. Similarly, we have a huge possibility of being a better person with a better personality. And helping you to achieve that goal is your hairstyle, which must be mid fade for sure now. So, wear mid and expose your ambition to the world and take the first step towards success with Mid Fade.