Category: Health


The Pros and Cons of Birth Control Pills

Oral contraceptives or birth control pills utilize synthetic hormones to protect users from pregnancy. There are two main types of birth control pills: progesterone only and combined. Combined pills typically contain both progesterone and a synthetic type of estrogen. Oral contraceptives can also be used to reduce acne and treat …

Tummy Trouble? 7 Possible Reasons

Feeling nauseous, throwing up, and having a stomach ache are all things most of us have endured and can attest to the discomfort of. Few sensations in life are as uncomfortable as vomiting. While an episode of tummy trouble here and there may be common and routine, there are times …

How to Cure Toenail Fungus Fast

Over 3% to 12% of people are infected by this condition. Many aren’t even aware that they have it, nor how they acquired it. Untreated, the problem can spread to other parts of the body. Moreover, it has a tendency to develop slowly, but can last for weeks, months, and …