If you adore the moon, you will love your moon tattoo. We know that the moon is one of nature’s finest creation. Well, it is round- but what’s great is that it changes shape. Yes, there could be so many factors that make it do it, for example, the sunlight and rotation- but when we see it on the sky- it’s great engineering for the God such that we get to see different versions of it on different nights. And also, it has some strange energy that can make us happy every time we look at it. Gazing at the moon is so soothing and so pleasant. There’s a secret shine of love, security, happiness, and hope under its light.
So, what more reason do you need to get yourself have a moon tattoo? And also don’t forget moon tattoos meaning, they represent change. Just like a moon’s pattern, the human heart also undergoes a lot of changes frequently, doesn’t it? In addition to that- never giving up. Tell me, how many nights does moon have to live with half of its structure before being a full moon? And also, combining it with other elements means you can stack your tattoo with a lot of messages that you want to convey.
Well, it is good for you to think to have a moon tattoo. But with everything else, you might need some help. Fa or choosing the right design that tells exactly what you want to say. Due to this, I bet you are under a lot of doubts regarding your moon tattoo. But that won’t be the case any longer- for, we have gathered the best moon tattoo designs in 2018- which are both elegant and profound.
Orange Moon
In this one, the moon itself looks like a tangerine or a citrus fruit, reflecting trees and all. This one is a design directed for nature lovers.
Reddened Surface

An evening moon- maybe, that’s what we can call this outline. This design looks great- all because of its color grading.
Blackened surface

Maybe, this is what a half crescent moon would look like if we had a closer view. A good work of visualization in this one.
Mother Moon
What if there’s a soul in the moon? Well, we can’t say anything about that, but all we can say is that our soul has definitely been connected to this heavenly body.
Realistic Half Crescent
What about this one? A full moon- escaping the sunlight.

This one looks like a mirror. Everything including our green planet and the Milkyway galaxy has been reflected through it.
Tribal Half Crescent
Every element looks good when it has the tribal approach of design. And these geometric patterns make it worth a look.
Blue Moon
Different patterns of the moon visualized- just like in one’s imaginations. Color fillings are dependent on how your heart sees an object.
Moon Patterns
Similar idea- different designs. What about those flower padding?
Moon And Stars
Even if the moon has still been guiding the stars, the plain star(one with no color) adds extra shine. A fabulous design.
Black Crescent
Crescent moon tattoos are indeed popular. This is all because of its shape- it looks different from everything else in nature- the sky’s fine art.
Leg Moon Tattoo
Small moon tattoos- their size doesn’t mean that people are not going to notice them. Actually, smaller tattoos have a lot of focus. Therefore a lot of work is put on them to make them perfect from every view possible.
A Cat’s Haven

These are two things she loves a lot- maybe, it is the same for you? Anyway, this one is all about visualizing one’s imagination.
Sleeping Moon And Constellation
Definitely, they look proud and relaxed- for they make the sky beautiful. A soothing view.
My Childhood Dream
Well, did you sometimes think like this? I certainly did and frankly, for me, somehow it’s like a nostalgia. A special design, even more, when he has dedicated it to someone.
Bike Ride

Frankly, you lose yourself in this view- that is what an artist’s art is all about. Believe me, there’s a lot of passion and emotions embedded into this one.
A view that a farmer would enjoy- actually, everybody would when they take a look at your tattoo.
15 Days
A page from our grade 4 astrology book- this one also represents the different states a human heart may be in. Sometimes happy, sometimes sad- just like these patterns of the moon.
Cat And Moon
Another lavish design showing these two elements. A cat means independence and doing what you like to do, and the moon is related to femininity- and when you combine these two, a profound meaning is formed.
Full Moon

Realistic moon tattoos are splendid, look really beautiful. Just like the celestial body itself. Which one of these two designs did you like more?
Moon And Flowers

Another feminine design and this one is adorable as well. A vine surrounding the moon- and the stars add to its elegance.
A New Root
Well, this is a visualization as in dreams, but someday, this could really be true. Let us not talk about science, just tattoo and this one is great.
Different Angles
Different views of the same body- could you make something out of this? I mean something that relates to your life, of course.
Even Lines
Woah- this is really smooth. A properly measured design, everything has been stretched to perfection.
Vertical Moon Patterns

Well, see- both of these designs? Two different textures- one is bold and another grainy. Now that you have realized there are so many variations possible choose one, just how you like it.
Night Moon Direction
Well, a compass in your hand. These lines look like latitude and longitude measurement of the moonshine.
Buried Moon Pattern

Somehow, it looks like the moon is an edible root of some sort. Those structures look like plants growing out from its surface.
Horizontal Moon Pattern
Well, talking about this particular tattoo, you could also use it as an armband tattoo. By stretching it a little more- but, it still looks good and tight.
Next One
A more realistic view of the previous design. Which one you prefer is all up to you.
Connected Patterns
Creativity is the key, isn’t it? Ideas are all that count, my man. A similar design can be shown in a variety of ways, check all of them carefully to finally get your one.
Sky Blue
For many of us, we view the moon in a different color. Our favorite one- just like our eyes want to see. And then, if we do just that on our moon tattoo, we get a really impressive design.

Here, this one accompanies both of the things we talked about recently. Creative with the design and visualized in a different color of choice.
Moon’s Cry
I wonder what’s his reason to be crying? About this despair- it connects directly to the person’s feelings.

A bracelet made out of moon tattoos- accommodation and placements also play a very important role, don’t they?
Purple Crescent

A little bit of color transformation and it turns out to be one of the most attractive small moon tattoos.
Tribal Sky

This is how creativity gives you. A tribal design like this is what many people want.
Minimalist approach- that one is prevalent even in moon tattoos. Well, even small structures make a huge statement given that they are done perfectly.
Nature Decoration

For many people, these things are the prettiest things that nature has given to them. And design similar to this is what they choose. I am giving you a hint, of course.
A realistic moon tattoo, still it is feminine. It is making two very different things go together perfectly in this design.
Music For My Man

Well, sometimes you might play some music in the nighttime, hoping that the moon will hear you. This is just that- and don’t worry, he actually does.
Moon Face

When he smiles, he makes everybody do the same. A lot of positiveness can be embedded in full moon tattoos.

What do you think this man might be doing? Maybe he is confronting- or just passing by. Anyway, this one also looks very artistic.
Two Sides

Well, only one side at a time is blessed by the light of the sun. These two moon tattoos say exactly that.
Moon And Our Galaxy

This one looks like a pencil art of a realistic design. An immersive art, don’t you think?
Thin Lines Of A Tattoo

Moon momma- maybe that is what we call her. She looks very elegant in this one- bestowing her beauty upon anyone who takes a look at her.
All Stages Of A Pattern
This one is just elongating the moon pattern- still, looks very different from other similar designs. Small things certainly make huge differences.
Blue Light 
Everything blue- two reasons for it. Firstly, this color makes it more feminine, and another- this could be her favorite color. Don’t forget those clouds as well.
Color Splash
Too good- even with no outline. And she also has had a word that she thinks has made a huge difference to her life.
Dead Moon
Skulls- they also can also constituent the moon tattoos for guys.
Colorful Tribal

Well, tribal designs should always not be so classic. You can add modern elements to it. Take a look at this.
Hanging Bodies
Remember what we talked about earlier- tribal tattoos can also have modern elements on them. Make your own additions- and if you are creative enough, you will also get an epic design like this.
Everything cute- girls really know how to get their moon tattoo to be amazing, don’t they?
The Real Deal

You can see the proof as well. This is your way to go if you are looking to get realistic moon tattoos.
Traditional Astrology
This looks like a study of the moon’s position conducted by a group of ancient astrologers. I don’t if this is how they looked like, but I just got a hunch.
A Small Moon

Small crescent moon tattoos are really good to see- and when there is something like this star elucidating its beauty- there could be nothing more to ask for.
A Crescent On You Back
Even those people who talk behind your back praise your tattoo. Now, that was some sort of wordplay or something- but either way, it’s a fact.
Tribal Shoulder Moon
Well, pearly elements- they look like jewelry worn by an already beautiful thing. You can see, just like in this tattoo.
Purple Wrist

You know what, if you are a girl- then I can say you really like this one. It has been scientifically proved- but even one’s intuition can say that girls are really into this hue.
Grainy Surrounding

That looks like a small grain of light this thing is illuminating. I will have to say reflecting- in scientific terms or whatever.
Sleeping Moon
Minimal approach- still, done uniquely. A sleeping moon tattoo- that is enough to make a statement, as this one shows.
Shoulder Moon
Real is real- but even to show a real thing, there are so many ways. I wouldn’t say all of them look the same, but they actually do look realistic.
Crescent Moon Under Ear

Well, you have seen this design already, but right now, it’s about the placement of this little thing. Having a small moon tattoo just below your ears also means it could be clearly visible if you are willing to have an appropriate hairstyle.
Moon Forearm Tattoo
Your forearm indeed is a perfect place to get tattoos, and the same goes for a moon tattoo. As you can see it.
With the border and all, it looks like a perfect sphere. Will, not a perfect one- but when you look at the junction between light and dark, your eyes definitely notice the small detail of it being kind of bulged a little.
Cloud, Moon, And Stars
Do you like it? I bet you do. Another feminine design. Everything between those black shades is a small portion of one’s dream sky.
Ornamental Feminine Moon
Everything girly here- from the moon and the black cat and also those ornaments hanging down.
Sun And Moon
No- they are not pissed- they are just powerful. Both of them know their worth- so, they have no time to be playing around.
Small Sun And Moon
Small adorable designs of both of them. And if you think the same, you already know what you should be doing.
Blue Tribal Pattern

There are no specific rules for a tattoo- you do what you want to do. Everything with colors and design modifications.

I don’t know what these numbers mean to say- but we are not devoid of the information that these digits mean a lot to him.
Waves And Moon
It feels like my mind has got itself inside the frame. Seawaves and the night sky- what better scene could you be blessed with?
Shiny Moon 
Add a little shine to a design you are already familiar with- and you get something like this.
Sun God And Moon God

You get a traditional vibe with it. For these two designs look like what people in the ancient tribes used to worship.
Setting Moon
Well, I know this is just a tattoo design, but I bet you noticed as well. It feels like you are on vacation, enjoying a great view. With these black points as stars and some reflection on the water, black ink is all that was needed.
More Feminine Designs

Well, yes- they look like something you have already seen, but not completely. These are different pieces, you will need to compare a lot of similar designs before getting one.
What’s Inside My Skin
This one’s a pure 3D design- a sky under your skin. How cool is that?
Moon And Stars
Another ecstatic combination of the moon and stars. What a great way to accommodate an art on your back.
Blue Shading 
You have seen this in purple- now here’s blue. Just to prove that it still looks alluring.
Purple Tribal
Another adorable tribal design. Another perfect one for females looking for the same.
Moons Range

Those points signify the part of the unseen part of the moon. If you like the orientation of the cloud as well, it is probably time that you take a look at our cloud tattoos.
Shoulder Sky

There are a lot of fantastic ideas available for a moon tattoo- this time, she’s brought a sky on her shoulder. With the moon that looks almost real, there is no way you shouldn’t have it if you want.
A Moon Plant

No matter how many floral designs you browse- you will see that your moon tattoo looks enchanting in every single one of them.

What you leg is also a great place to have your moon tattoo- irrespective of its size. No matter what, you will experience a difference.
Minimalist Colours
Gorgeous or fantastic- you can term it either way as you lose yourself inside this design.
Different Colors That I See
I know that you have a moon in your heart- the question is just how you see it? If you see vivid colors, then you can also wear in on your hand like this man.
Galaxy Inside Crescent 
No time for anything else than beauty- these could be the words of this lady when she described her tattoo need to her tattoo artist. And got rewarded an epic design.
Cat Staring
Take it this way- he has already reached the moon but he is still not done. This could also signify your life I guess.
Music Squirrel 
Playing his drums for the moon- I bet you noticed this tattoo placement. If so, you definitely should take a look at our leg tattoos.
Wolf Herd
Wolf and the moon- when you see this howl, you also think of the word “leader.” And don’t forget the other symbolism of this animal- loyalty, power, family, and strength.
Moon Splash
What else do I have to add on it? Besides saying this is excellent. You already know that these hues look so perfectly combine with the outline.
Moon Tattoo Quote
Not only for the eyes- but also get the viewer’s conscience involved when they look at your tattoo. This is a quote that would change anybody’s life.
A Special Name

D you love this design? What do you think about his idea? He definitely knows his tattoo well, doesn’t he?
Pakistan Symbol
A patriotic tattoo as well. She definitely has got a great tattoo which also represents her love for her home country.
It is much more than how it is referred to. You can do so much with simple moon tattoos.
You indeed have seen so many designs. Now, just explore some more ideas including the placement of the moon tattoos.
Well, after seeing all these designs, what do you finally feel like.
Let us talk about your moon tattoo. After seeing all of them, did you come into conclusion about what you want? If you did, then do me a favor. Retake a look at it and make sure you will never get tired of it. You don’t have to go along with a vague decision because there are so many options to choose from. I mean the designs, of course. And even if many people say, I won’t say getting a second idea is a bad idea, but try to make this decision by yourself. For, your tattoo is what you are, and only you can find yourself better than anybody.
And also don’t forget to hire the best tattoo artist you can. Because you know, after once deciding to have a tattoo, make sure you push the end result to the best. Well, this is all for now, and till the next time, good luck with your moon tattoo.