Your dad is awesome- and that is why dad quotes are as well. You love him, don’t you? Well, for some of us, saying this could be a little awkward for we are just used to feeling it in a rather conventional way and not expressing it through words, but still, this love is very real. We know dads sacrifice a lot of themselves for their children, putting their own interests on the line and that’s the same with our dads. And that’s the reason that we even respect him- as a parent, as a friend and as also as a savior who will always protect us no matter what.
Anyway, expressing these heartfelt things may be little hard at times because sometimes we don’t think we can think of enough words to describe exactly what we feel. Anyway, some people have been able to do so, such that what they said turned into some epic dad quotes.
We collected just these. To help you with whatever- to wish your dad in a very new way that you are used to or to read some greatness of your own dad, here are some best dad quotes that have ever been said.
Out From Prison
This one would make everybody feel sorry for the kid who has been saying it. No matter where and how his father is, he is still a dad and, here’s his innocent child whose quote puts all of us in tears. If you are in a mood of a good cry, don’t forget to check our sad quotes.
Missing You

All of us have to go through the situation in that’s been talked of in this quote, and it is sad when these words are directed by a person towards their dad. Words don’t come out of a mouth, but, still, some tears say all- just like thsi quote says.

Living for someone’s memory- that is something that shows how deep your love for them has been. You see this quote as well, and when you feel it’s emotions, you will get what I mean there.
Here’s an emotional happy fathers day quote. Sometimes, it may somehow be weird, but your father also deserves some emotional words like these. He has given us all, and these words are not going to something so very much from our side.
Synonyms And Definitions
Four of these definitions of a father- here, you are well aware of all of them. Actually, every single one of them would make a great father quote, anyway- this is a great way to put up what a father really is.
No Rose
Here’s an emotional tale, a real sad story. The day- it was a day when he lost one of his greatest influencers and best friends. See, how his father cared about his family in every small way possible like bringing home a flower every day, that is what our dad does too.
Biggest Rewards and Joy
This one could also be taken as a motivational quote for a father. And yes, every dad resonates with these same words. If not, then why would they be working so hard just to see a small smile on their children?
Missing You
We have seen quite a few emotional dad quotes. But you know what, maybe this is sad- but, most of us only happen to realize our gift after it is gone. Maybe this is human nature or what that makes it, but most of the people relate entirely with this quote.
Parenting From A Father
Here is a quote from a dad himself. For all of us who have rightly been parented, there is a reason for us to be proud because these wonderful words could be exactly from our own fathers as well.
Memories That I Will Miss
Maybe yes, this is what all of us will have to say once in our life, and it could be sad- but, this will still be real. Becuase, you know, all the moments that we spend with our dad, they are really wonderful and too good to ever be forgotten.
One More Chance

Some of us could already be familiar with this quote- but for some, we still can try hard to make it a little harder on ourselves. Which means already doing what this quote wants us to.
An Angel

Wherever he be- he is still watching over us. He will always be there to guide us- and it is not only one’s emotions speaking. Because you know, once being called a dad- he will never let that slip off, ever.
A Void
One place reserved in our hearts for our dad- and that is all. Nobody can take it over, and we already know that just like Halle Berry says in her dad quote.
Number One Man
Here is one of those sweetest I love my dad quotes from daughter. For a girl, this is always true- they value their dad more than any men there can be in the world. So, this one is relatable to any dad and daughter out there.
Love And Cherish You
For many of us, these words are not so hard to read out along- but for some, even if a little hesitation there may be, they can still read these words in their heart. And isn’t this something we always want to tell to our dads?
A Man That Treats Me Good Like Him

This quote is in the thoughts of every girl, not only Lady Gaga. For a father is a person who loves his daughter unconditionally, she easily realizes the intensity of her father’s love and wishes to get the same from any boy she is to live her life with.
Greatest Dad
Some dad quotes that make your dad smiling. And happy as well. I Love You- these three words are meant for you to express your love for the truly important people in your life- so, learn to use them as you should.
Calm dad
These words tell a story which many households these days go through. And still shows no matter what you say, your dad is still okay with it. For his only interest is to love you in the best way he can do.
A Poem For Dad
Read this poem and soak it into your heart. After reading this quote, I bet some of you also could have been inspired to write a poem about your dads. Do it; I don’t think this will be hard.
Happy Birthday

Start his private new year with a quote such as this. These are almost every good things that you can say to your dad with this quote, and still, it doesn’t seem that it is ever enough.
A Great Man

Here is another happy birthday wish for your dad in our list of dad quotes. He indeed is the best teacher and trainer that you will get in your life, and here, you let him know exactly that.
Everytime There
Well, yes, there indeed should be a lot of wishes for your birthday dad that you should know. And for now, thanks to these dad quotes, you already have stacked yourself fully for three years.
One Place that You Own
For anybody who has written this poem, they have put all their heart into it. With every word, they really reflect how much they love their dad in an absolute way. Because you know, dedicating your words to someone- that is not something that’s done with no reason at all.
An Inspiration
We do have a place for funny dad quotes, don’t we? Well, yes he is awesome- but sometimes, he does such idiotic things that you ask yourself to make sure that even if it is real. Anyway, wishing your dad like this on his birthday will also mean a lot of smiles.
Life’s Best Views
You just don’t have to see if it’s a happy birthday wish or not. Because you know, these quotes are something that we will relate to and be willing to say to our dads every day in a year.
Best Gift

Well, can there be any other gift such that the person who is gifting doesn’t realize it is a gift? Like gifting someone because you want the other person will accept yours. This quote says so much about a dad. This could be vague when I put it like this, but when you get it, it is really wonderful.
Let Me Watch It
Your father knows exactly how he could teach you in the best way possible- that is letting you learn through his experience. He does it every second and always wants you to see him take on things- so that you can see for yourself what practicality is.
Thankfulness He Was
Still feeling positive when you have lost someone like him- that indeed is inspiring. There could be a reason to mourn, but there’s a bigger one to cherish, that is, you were very fortunate for you are one of those lucky people to have a dad.
Not Only About It
Ryan Reynolds got it exactly right. This quote is what not only dads, but every child should realize as well. Becuase you know, it also tells that our dads have done a lot more than what has been said it in.
Right Words

Yes, we are more likely to overlook what our dads have told us, and for some people, they are merely some words that just make no sense. But, like in this quote, our dads have lived a life longer than ours, and they know exactly what’s right and what’s wrong.
A Father’s Protection

The best security one can ever get- that is what something this dad quote talks about. Protection of a dad- which means no matter what, you will still be safe in his arms. Every stabilities that you get, that’s in a dad’s love.

Your dad has always believed in you – and that is one of the best gifts that anyone can give you. Being assured that another human will lead a great life- that’s something that needs a lot of love to be done.
From A Baby Girl

I don’t know what I should even say about it- anyone who reads this could almost feel her tears. Dads- for some people, it is an ambiguous concept- sometimes, people have reached a point where they wonder if their dad has affection for them. And it’s very sad, you know.
Like No Other

Everything that other dad quotes want to say, this one includes all of that. These things are not those what the sayers. Dad does for them, but these words are something all of us are familiar with.
Only One Man

Even to be independent, we start being dependent. Like living with other’s help- and we are still proud that we do. You can also feel the pride in her when she says it. Of having a great dad, that is.
A Letter
Here is another letter for your dad- a real one. These words exactly reflect what you have in your heart- words that you so badly want to tell your dad. Dad quotes help you to take out any stuck emotions- this is for sure.

One who makes you stronger- means he overpowers you with every confidence you can have. Like you know, a dad having your back- just like this quote says, that is some security that makes you the most ensured.
Love To Help Their Mother
Exactly what most of our dads love doing. Helping their child’s mother. This also means knowing about parenting- that a dad is understanding how much his kids need both their parents.
Light Up My Darkest Days
Think of him smiling- the smile that he always smiles at you when he says everything is okay and you can still do it. What can be more soothing than it? So much love even in a memory of his smile that will make you extremely happy.
For His Family
One of those very real good father quotes. Just like this quote says, being a dad means being the leader of a family. Which means, making goals and plans for the entire people that he fights to protect. And how serious he takes it- that is what defines his quality.
Favorite Sayings
Now, this is totally relatable for all of us. Lighthearted quote this may be, but it is entirely true. These are some sayings that every dad loves to repeat. Every day, that is.
Time And Perception
Being an adult to understand what the greatest adult has been doing for you- this is the essence of this quote. When we are grown up, then that is when we are mature enough to get and realize what fathers mean. May take time for some of us but will come eventually.
When They Become A Father
Dads are so great- like first, they are happy because you are born. And then, they are proud of making every sacrifice and all. Like they love being dads- that means loving dedicating your life living for others, so let us all be thankful.
A Present For My Mother
Now, here is another funny one. Mom and Dad, they definitely have an interesting relationship. We don’t know if our dad is scared or anything about our mom, but the way that he feels is unique to himself only.
This is a hilarious father’s day quote. Well, children gifting their dads- this is not so common. For, to be frank, let us all appoint- that is is almost only on father’s day we even think of getting a surprise for our dads. But that completely doesn’t define the love anyway.
Brought Two Humans
Have another laugh here. Like all of us know that raising a child- that is like one of the hardest things to ever do. And even after doing that, mom and dads still tend to feel difficulty in doing some other things, even if they are not supposed to be so hard.
Superhero- actually more than that. A description of the dads and this poem tells us why. They are not great things that they do- but the greatest ones. So, it must be us who returns the favor and respect them for that.
Nobody is perfect, but they are better than that when they strive for perfection. And that is what this dad quote wants to tell us. For a dad, only if he takes his family seriously, that is all that’s needed.
Happy Birthday Wish
Adding on to the happy birthday dad quotes, here is another interesting one. For dudes, of course, this is- to be frank, even I am feeling little weird writing all these emotional things. But, it’s my work, and you know how it goes. Anyway, even if there is no specific wish, this still makes one of the best dad quotes from son.
Birthday Poem
Read this along to your old man- there is no way he’s not going to be happy. Here’s all about that perfect person in this quote. Thank them for everything on their birthday.
Which means always do the things that help you and is always in your favor. This quote about dads is so real. Like he easily knows what should be done and does it as well.
Have A Dad

You still have had a dad- isn’t that all? Having a dad is more than having all the riches in the world, that’s for sure. Like let us take n example if we wish for something, we want that to be “our way” perfect, and dads are exactly that.
Missing You Always
If you can relate to this dad quote, you also have to realize that even if for now his residence is in the heavens, he will still hear you out. Be assured, he is your dad, and he will always look after and hear what you have to say.
Never Hurt Her
Not even in the slightest way possible- he won’t and also won’t let anybody do so. So, there is always a sense of love and security there. This is why girls love their dad so much.
It’s time for more synonyms for dad. Dad quotes like this one are entertaining to read, don’t you think? But every meaning given here about a dad is true for all of us.
Rest In Peace

Feel bad- maybe a little bit, but more than that, all of us should take poems like this as inspirational dad quotes. Every line in this poem is just another reason for us to love our dads even more.
In Loving Memory

People dedicating their poems and words to their dads- it is good to read and heartfelt. It’s like we can also sense that their dads could be smiling in heaven.

Our dads, definitely are treasures for all of us. And here, in this short poem, even if no many words have been used, everything has been said. Reading missing father quotes also let us know what our dads actually mean to us.
Our dads a legend- a superhero at least. Someone who loves us, protects us, earns and saves for us and still does everything that makes us happy. Like there is almost no way we could compare any other humans to him, he will always be the closest to us. He does the hardest thing for us and still takes it to be some small favors, that’s his greatness. Alive or dead- it won’t matter, we call him dad and he is always aware of it. He does the best for us, and it must be our interest that we try to copy him as well.
So, what did you think about these dad quotes? Did they accurately relate to you? Do you think some of these dad quotes and wishes will also help you to say some wonderful things to your dad? Also, if you loved some of these quotes, let us know which of them did take your attention. Also, tell whenever- keep on being happy and loving as you always are.