Smiles quotes are beautiful- let me tell you why. First, they tell you why to smile, second- they tell you how to smile and the last part- smile quotes make you smile. Something that makes you smile is very precious because they bring out the happiest emotion that you can ever show. A smile is on most of the times very underrated, people know that it is essential but frequently forget to smile.
Smiling is something you can do very easily, and it changes a lot of things. So, there is no valid reason why this thing should even be away from your lips.
Well, to remind you to smile as much as you can, today we have compiled these smile quotes. All of these smile quotes and sayings are very beautiful, and we can guarantee that they are going to make you feel happy from the bottom of your heart. All you need to do is read each word carefully on every single of these smile quotes.
You Make Me Do So
Smile quotes about love are really fun to read, aren’t they?
Strong people always find a way to smile. This quote is so true.
You and Your everything
This quote is what I would like to call a cute smile quote.
Quotes about smiling
So, do you have a girlfriend? Maybe this quote will be a great smile quote for her.
Quotes That Make You Smile
This quote does a great job telling how smile transfers to you when a loved one does so.
Make Me Smile
Easy and straight with this quote- you make me smile, you really do.
Well, tell this quote to a loved one. Then, they will smile as well.
Smile in the mirror
Well, if you do so, then you might as well make this quote one of your quotes of the day.
Seeing You
All of us can relate to this moment. Don’t we? This is when we look at a special person’s face. And also of friends as well.
All the Good
The smile is positiveness, and it brings a lot of happiness. Mother Teresa is always right.
How You are Still Smiling

Even in your hardest time, if you are still laughing at this quote tells you to, not a single soul will be trying to hurt you in any way.
remain Silent and Smile
Why does this quote say that? Well, that’s because staying silent and smiling tells a lot of things by itself.
Short Life
Yes, you can do that later when you don’t have teeth as well, but that may not look so good on you. Just kidding, anyway this quote is really funny.
The Reason

So, can you be the reason that someone smiles today as said in this quote? Well, if you can, then I respect you a lot.
A reason
Yes, this quote is true, there always is. You just need to find the reason.
So, are you one of those eccedentesiasts? If you are, then it might as well be that you are very strong.
More beautiful life
Well, I don’t have to add anything on this quote. Your smile is itself beautiful.
I appreciate
This quote indeed is one of those great motivational quotes that will make anybody smile.
Struggles Through Tears
The smile that comes in sadness- that is strong and has a lot of strength on it. On top of that, as said in this smile quote, it is beautiful.
Make Them Wonder
I hope that you have enough willpower to do what is said in this smile quote.
Don’t Let Anyone

You shouldn’t let anyone dull your sparkle because nobody has the right to do so. Either, they can smile at themselves. Otherwise, they can’t disturb you at all.
You Really Mean It
Well, read this quote and smile at how this associates with you perfectly. And, smile again, alone.
In a Smile
This picture makes this quote funnier than it is supposed to be. You have also done the same, haven’t you?
That Person
Read every word of Mother Teresa’s smile quotes. They will change your life.
The Reasons Given
God has definitely given us more reasons to smile than to cry. Let us all find them when we are sad.
Never Out Of Style
Well, be happy, and you are always fascinating. You never go out of style as said in this quote.
With tears in your eyes
As this quote says, if you smile with tears in your eyes- then never let the person get away who made that happen.
Under Your Nose
Yes, the smile is the signal of happiness. This quote is very well said.

So, who is changing the ways, you or the world? I hope that it is you.
Scatter the Rich smiles
This quote is one of the most famous smile quotes. Even if you have heard it before, you are still going to be fascinated by the words.
More Beautiful Than The Stars
She is more beautiful than the stars, and this quote is one of the most beautiful smile quotes you can ever dedicate to her.
Always in Fashion
Well, as this quote says, if you smile, you always can be trendy. All the dresses are accompanied with a smile for them to look good.
Best Beauty Remedies
Well, believe me, read this quote- it is absolutely true. You beauty doubles when you smile.
Always Smiling
Can’t waste your time not smiling- because it is very priceless. Well, we have talked enough of that in our time quotes.
The Greatest Smile
When you smile, you will find this quote rather interesting. See, the world is smiling back at you.
Hard Not To Feel Happy
You feel a sense of victory when you truly make someone smile.
So Much Better
Well, look in the mirror and smile. Then, you will find this smile quote is not saying anything false.
Positive Countenance
A smile gives you a positive countenance, so will our positive quotes. Nah, just kidding.
More Important Than Your Smile

Well, wear the most expensive or the greatest made clothing that you can get your hands on. And I will bet, if you don’t smile, you won’t look so good on it.
Ever Morning
If you do so, then you will be happy from the first moment in the day. It will make your entire day better. So, this quote is also called a lifehack.
What Do You Want To Wear?

Smile carries more than just a mere facial expression- you can learn that from this quote as well.
Smiles Back At You
Quotes about life and smile- you can also take a look at our life quotes.
More Easier To Smile
Well, it is easier, and still, it also shows that you are tougher than you could ever be.
Be Happy
People strive for more just to become happy. But many times, they don’t realize that they can be satisfied with more or less they already have.
Key To Everybody’s Heart
The smile certainly is the key to hearts as it has been said in this quote. A heart looking at a smiling face becomes happy by itself, don’t you think?
Keep On Smiling

Even the sun wants to look at a smiling face. If you think I am poetic- it is not me, it is this quote which is heart touching.
Ask a dude, whether you look beautiful with makeup or with a great smile. Then, you will remember something- that is this quote.
Start With a Smile
Start a journey happy and with a smile as said in this quote, then anyone can guarantee you are going to be very happy for the rest of your journey.
Two Powerful Tools
This quote is very real and if you have those two tools, then you are surely going to have an easier life. Just don’t forget to sharpen your tools a lot.
Even When It Hurts
Next time it hurt, remember this quote. You will have a new a new experience and find it to better than being in tears of frowning.
Melt My Soul
Well, why not use this smile quote as a pickup line? I am just giving you ideas and if it doesn’t work, then don’t blame me.
Somebody’s reason to smile
Well, believe me, even if you don’t think that you can be, you absolutely are. There are so many hearts in the world, and you don’t know how many of them you make smile.
A Day Younger
Why spend money on such expensive facials and stuff when a smile can do the trick easily. You need to have this quote rooted in your thoughts.
Welcome Each day
When you do so, the day will be very happy for you too. And with that, the day, still mesmerized by your smile, will think of every possible way to keep that wonderful thing in your lips.
Be Yourself And Smile
Well, this quote is supposed to be in the valentines day quotes but I have included this here because it made me smile the first time I looked at still.
But With My Whole Being
So, can you smile with your whole being as well? If you do then people are going to read your smile quotes someday as well.
The Healing Smile
Read this poem, read it again. And let yourself smile looking at the quote.
Universal Language
Woah- now you ask me why this smile quote is so famous. I know that even if this is not the first time you heard this quote, you still read all the words very carefully.
Begins With a Smile

After reading yet another Mother Teresa quotes, I frankly hope that there were more Mother Teresa’s in history. So simple- yet heart touching- her words are magic as her good deeds.
One of Everything
See, one of the Winnie the Pooh Quotes tell us what a smile and everything else can do. What smile does it really impressive, anyway.
Still, Keep on Smiling
The upsetting life will not be able to hard you anymore if you can totally abide by the words of this quote. And keeping on smiling is not so hard now, is it?
And The World Smiles With You

Well, do it right now. Smile the brightest that you can. Do you feel the world smiling? Yes, you do.
That Person Smiling
Well, what has been said in this smile quote indeed made you smile, I can tell. Well, why not? Because seriously, this actually sounds like a million dollar lottery.
Those Texts
Those texts that they send you and the times you re-read them time and again for a smile. That is wonderful, isn’t it?
Smile Speaks Them All
Yes, the smile is in every language. Like this quote says, a smile is the most beautiful reaction in every language which makes it very precious.
Lighten Up
And after you do all of those things in this quote, then I guess you will be smiling for the most of your days.
Smiling Everyday
You need to do the same as in this quote. You can waste your life crying, you know.
The smile is the Sword.

And this quote is another reason for your smile. I would say that this quote is epic in itself.
For Real
I know if you have a crush, you are smiling while reading this quote. Well, carry on.
Nothing To Do But Smile
Well, if that is the case, then you will be doing a precious thing all the day. And we, me and the one reading it- we also will try to do the same.
Others Happy As Well

Tell me, when you are smiling or laughing- do others do the same? I guess in the most cases, the answer is probably yes.
And Smile is One of the Reasons

Being a reason to make somebody love you- the smile is an important asset. Something that you should value as much as you can.
Breed Of Monkeys

So, what do you think you will possibly change if you worry even a bit? Nothing is going to change in any levels- so, smile at least- that is good for you.
Start With Your Grin
Grin the smile of yours- well that is the purest thing that your heart can do. And be happy as this quote says.
Nothing Beats

Short and sweet- this quote says that smile is the champion and it definitely is.
Smile The Morning
Wishing somebody a good morning with a smile quote is certainly going to make their day. Try this at once.
Those Huge Radiant Smiles
Jody Gehrman, by the time he spoke this quote, he was telling it from his soul. Smile has saved us from a lot of destruction.
So Much Behind My SmileThis is a sad quote but still a motivating one. Because I can say, you are using your smile to prove that you are a very tough person.
The Only SunshineGive that stranger you smile- this quote is very captivating.
Give Him One Of Yours
As this quote says, if you smile at a friend, that means you care about him. Even make him realize that he hasn’t smiled yet will make him do so.
The Darkest Past
This quote is very inspiring. Look at the people who have dedicated a lot in the past- they know the value of a bright smile.
Yes, a smile is a weapon that you can use in the right way. A weapon that is going to bring a lot of emotional pain to the haters.
Looks Gorgeous On You
Tell this quote to any one person- and then you will be remembered for a lot of time. I can say it is very confident.
What Makes You Happy
Do everything only per this quote. You already have discovered enough reasons to do so.
Without Even Trying
How many times has this smile quite come to your mind? You are a lucky one if you have done so a lot of times.
Never Fully Dressed
It may be funny when I say it- please don’t be naked. Just wear your smile as said in this quote, okay?
Their World
Changing someone’s world is almost equivalent to changing the whole world. You may think that I am trying to exaggerate this theory, but I honestly am not.
Close My Eyes and Think Of You
Smile quotes like this will make them love you even more. Just use this one.
Changes Mine
Now, I have explained a lot of love quotes in the previous posts, but words like these make me want to do that even more.
Yes, it is exactly like what this quote says. The smile contributes to a lot of aspects in your life. I guess you have realized it already.
That Symbol
See, read this quote. And tell me, isn’t smile a symbol of everything that the entire human race has ever wanted?
You Will Never Understand
Smile quotes are not only about love and stuff but at times, they can be very emotional as well. But, smile holds a lot of things in itself, and it is only natural, you know.
Save Someone’s Life
Please, trust me, this quote needs to be heard by your soul. Your smile really can do so.
Light In Your Window
If people look at your smile when they first see you, they are going to instantly start liking you. Well, that is the power a simple smile has in it.
Always Smile
A smile is always a smile, and it holds the same value whatever your reason for smiling can be. This quote just elucidates that.
No Negative Satisfaction to Anyone
Well, keep on smiling and never give anyone the satisfaction, as it has been said in this quote.

Smile Like it is the only Thing you ever have done. That is the first thing that has been said in this quote.
Never Underestimate that
Because, you know, only a few lucky ones to get people like those. And you are one of the lucky ones who should never let them go.
Smile Because It Happened
The thing that you remembered after reading this quote- it has taught you a lot. So, it is just another reason for you to keep on smiling.
And You are my favorite.
And this quote is one of my favorite smile quotes.
Smile to Grow

See, the only thing that this quote says you to do is to smile more. So, you need to do so.
Your Energy
And do you know what brings in the energy that has been talked about in this quote? Well, that is your smile.
Virtual Hug
Send this quote to them. And if it doesn’t make them smile, I don’t know what will.
My Lips Don’t know that
This quote from Charlie Chaplin is one of the most motivational smile quotes that we have heard for a while, isn’t it? Reminds us to not tell about any of our problems to our lips.
A Smile To Hide

A smile works very well in this aspect as well, doesn’t it? Anyway, keep on smiling, it is always good for you.
Smiling is more than just smiling itself- it carries a lot of worth in it.
You don’t have to smile- you actually need to smile. This is what all the smile quotes have ever told you. Smiling is not a reaction that you show, if you understand deeply, it is an action that you carry out in your lips that is going to bring positive responses from all around your world. So, as you now know the real importance of a smile, I sincerely hope that from this moment here on, you are going to smile as much as you can. Till you are on the planet Earth, don’t forget any one of the smile quotes that you have read- and keep on smiling.