
Differences in Sexual Behavior in Men and Women

What is sexual behavior? There’s been a recent survey in the United States, on “Which would you prefer: a successful purchase of clothes or a stunning sex?” which gave the following results: women preferred a purchase at 46%, and sex at 41%; men preferred a purchase at 14%, and sex – at 76%. This already gives us a certain perspective on the difference in human sexual behavior.

Psychologists say that women are “moderately conservative” in relation to casual sex, and men are “moderately tolerant.” The data collected in 177 studies on a sample of 130,000 people showed that casual sex is much more acceptable for men. The origins of these differences lie both in the biological specificity of men and women, and in the difference in their social roles. As a result, men and women hardly understand each other. Sexual behavior in the human male may not be ever properly understood by some females. Many of them may consider it as a sort of a deviant sexual behavior. Normal sexual behavior of men could come across as more aggressive and lustful.

This misunderstanding goes through three stages. At the first, falling on childhood, boys have the illusion that girls are the same boys who for some reason prefer dolls to games of war, are more tearful and do not know how to urinate while standing. At the second stage, which largely coincides with the period of puberty, girls appear to teenage boys as mysterious creatures, who are afraid to approach, but to which they are attracted by a mysterious force. A similar misunderstanding exists in girls. Only in the third stage, young males begin to realize that their girlfriends are also made of flesh and blood and can also find pleasure from sex, they only do it differently. Some men take several years to go through this stage. Be sure to visit the following website to meet russian girls right now!

The German psychologist Wilhelm Jonen writes that men, especially young, often have an inadequate, “divided” perception of women: they perceive them either as harlots or as saints. In this case, it is very difficult for them to combine these two ideas in the face of the particular woman with whom they are dealing. Some young men bow to their lovers, carefully hiding their carnal and, as it seems to them, “indecent” desires, while others, on the contrary, try to seem deliberately rude and sexy. Such views have their origins in medieval religious views on women, who appeared either as Madonna or Witches. The first, positive image was endowed with purity, innocence, aversion to sexuality, and the second was a temptation, “lust”. In psychoanalytic teachings there was also an ambivalent attitude towards a woman: as a mother and as a sexual partner. Stefan Zweig described this duality of attitude towards a woman: “… The Creator of this world, when he made men, clearly distorted something in them; therefore, they always demand from women the opposite of what they are offering: if a woman easily surrenders to them, men instead of gratitude assure that they can only love innocence with pure love. And if a woman wants to observe innocence, they only think about how to snatch the treasure carefully kept from her. And they never find peace, for the contradictory nature of their desires requires an eternal struggle between flesh and spirit.”

Neglecting the sexual characteristics of women by men often leads to disharmony in sexual relations. Thus, a study of American sexual reactions indicates that in married couples, men regularly achieve physical satisfaction, while women do not. One study cites the figures that 70% of women surveyed do not experience orgasm during traditional coitus. Women see the reason for disharmony in the fact that men are too in a hurry, rude and inconsiderate, that they are not able to understand the erotic and romantic meaning of gentle, slow arousal. The attitude to sex is also influenced by the culture to which a man and a woman belong. If in European Christian culture sexual intercourse is carefully hidden, in Ancient China it was customary to engage in other things during intercourse, even state ones. In the X-XVIII centuries, sex in the open was widely practiced when several couples making love talk to each other and to passers-by, and the maids read poems to their lovers, treat them to drinks. The presence of a stranger is typical for Japanese erotic painting.

People are different, cultures are different, yet the most important thing, in all of it, is to learn to understand others, have empathy, and all will be well.

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